In the Warsaw use case, the VaVeL prototype will be both a transport planner application that considers alternative transportation modes and an information collection mechanism that receives citizen’s reports.
The developed prototype will be evaluated in real settings considering the objectives of the project and CoW’s initial requirements. In addition to an application-based evaluation, two additional elements will be assessed: a) making urban data easily accessible, b) collecting information from citizens by crowd-sourcing. The first will be evaluated through the organization of hackathons. The second, on providing better routes for public transport. In this use case, the VaVeL’s vision is to improve the services offered to the citizens by the City of Warsaw.
Today CoW uses transport planner based on static timetables. The current system does not include alternative transportation modes. What is required is a system that will work on nearly real time data and will promote public transport on multiple modes, including non-traditional ones such as the city bikes system. The crowdsourcing OPL data should be used to observe an influence of the planner hints on people routes.
City of Warsaw (CoW) has a sensor network collecting data on traffic, coupled with a city alerting and notification system for a variety of situations such as emergencies, accidents, or infrastructure failures. Under this use case, the following data streams will be used:
- Orange Mobile Subscriber’s Location statistics.
- 19115 - City Contact Centre (citizen report).
- Warsaw Public Transport - Vehicle location (Trams).
- Warsaw Public Transport - Vehicle location (Bus).

In the Warsaw use case, the following components will be evaluated:
- An Intelligent Transport Planner. Today CoW uses a transport planner based on static timetables. The planner does not include alternative means of transport (such as bikes). Under this use case the goal is to build a new system that will work on nearly real time data and it will promote public transport including also the city’s bikes system. The crowdsourced mobile data will be used to observe the influence of the planner on people following the recommending routes.
- Intelligent Emergency Response. Currently the citizens of CoW can request intervention or obtain information, through phone calls, the web, a mobile application, e-mail, and chat. Information is collected and redirected through a contact center to special units according to a topic of an intervention. The goal of this use case is to develop a system that better utilizes the collected data and at the same time is able to group information about events and notify citizens.
- Personalized Services to Citizens. Currently the City provides common traffic information to all citizens. The VaVeL’s goal is to create a system that sends personalized information, considering user’s daily routines.
- Efficient Transportation Schedules. The transportation system in Warsaw does not take into consideration citizen routes. VaVeL’s vision is to deploy a system that collects mobility information through a dedicated mobile application and to improve city transport routes, based on the analysis of this data, traffic load information and current transport routes.