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VaVeL at the European Data Forum

The VaVeL booth at the European Data Forum 2016

The VaVeL project had a strong presense at the European Data Forum 2016 in Eindhoven, Netherlands with a booth, a poster (see picture) and a keynote.

The European Data Forum (EDF) is one of the key European events for industry professionals, researchers, policy makers, and members of community initiatives to discuss the challenges and opportunities of data-driven innovation in Europe. VaVeL was represented by Katharina Morik (TU Dortmund), Ioannis Katakis (University of Athens), Marcin Luckner (Warsaw University of Technology). The VaVeL team had the opportunity to meet with leading industry scientists as well as academia researchers and exchange ideas and discuss possible collaborations. The VaVeL booth attracted a lot of interest where our leaflet was provided to the visitors. Professor Morik gave an invited talk titled Smart Data – Smart Processes, where the VaVeL project was mentioned ((see the video here - Prof Morik's talk in 2:24).

All in all, an excellent presentation of the first VaVeL results and a very productive and succesfull event by the EDF organizers.